
Strigo tips: Introduce customers to new features with our on-demand labs

Jon Muschel
November 16, 2021
 min read
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TLDR: Most people would rather try out new features for themselves than read a blog post, listen to a training session, or view a recorded presentation. Strigo’s On-Demand Labs make it easy for your team to create and implement on-demand sessions so you can offer your customers far more exciting training opportunities.


Product education is key to ensuring that customers use your product effectively, gain maximum value out of it, and remain your customers for the long term. Similarly, regardless of your product’s release cycle, whether it’s every day, week, month or quarter, adding new features ends up becoming meaningless if your customers don’t know how to use them properly.

While it’s never easy to make sure users acquire the proper product knowledge before they start using it, this is even more difficult when it comes to new features. First, users need to make time for learning when so many other things on their to-do lists are vying for attention. Second, they often ignore the emails you send them, the articles you add to your help center, and the videos you post on your social media channels. Third, once you do get their attention, it’s difficult to maintain it for long during the training session which brings us directly back to point #1 as they move on to their next meeting.

What has been proven time and time again to work is “learning by doing” in terms of knowledge retention and future product usage. It also helps significantly in terms of capturing and maintaining your customers’ interest since most people like to actually try things out, as opposed to reading a blog post about new features or listening to someone explain them with a bunch of slides.

And best of all, it’s really easy to set up what you need in order to start leveraging this mode of learning. Simply create a Strigo On-demand lab with the new feature and invite your users to take a few minutes to try it out. You can also embed the lab in your knowledge base or LMS for alternative access, all with a single link. That’s it - just a few minutes of work can translate into more effective users & happier customers.

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