
Strigo tips: hands-on labs with surveys and skill tests

Jon Muschel
July 19, 2021
 min read
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Did you know that you can put a survey or skill test directly into your lab? At Strigo, we aggregate all learning resources in one place to minimize distractions. Web Interface in Strigo’s platform allows learners to connect to a specific website directly inside their lab. There are many ways you can utilize Web Interface:

  • Create a skill set with a test on Typeform and link directly to the test
  • Create surveys on SurveyMonkey
  • Add PDF user guides that are on public servers

Not all sites are compatible, but any webpage that is an i-frame will work. There is no limit to the number of Web Interfaces you can add; however keep in mind that too many interfaces may become distracting to your learners.

One question we are often asked is, “Is there a way users can download a PDF from Strigo?” Using the Web Interface feature, any PDF can be downloaded and saved to the user's device.

You can even add interfaces on the fly. After the class has begun, the admin can go to the class setup and add additional interfaces, and they will be immediately accessible in the lab.

To add an interface, choose your class in the Classes tab. In Practice Lab click on Edit Interface.

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